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European Climate Pact

Green buildings

Better buildings help us fight climate change and improve our daily life.

Did you know that the building sector is the single largest energy consumer in the EU?

We spend a lot of our time indoors: at school, at work, at home. Often, the buildings we visit run on fossil fuel energy or are poorly insulated. Many are ill-suited to withstanding the effects of climate change such as floods and heatwaves.

To make our buildings more climate-friendly, we need to build better new structures, but also renovate those already standing, as most of them will still be in place for decades to come.

This is why the European Commission has announced a Renovation Wave to improve the energy performance of buildings across the EU. The goal is to double renovation rates by 2030 and ensure these lead to better energy- and resource efficiency.

This means that by 2030, 35 million buildings could be renovated, creating up to 160,000 new green jobs in the construction sector!

What will the Pact do?

  • Share information and raise awareness about the multiple benefits of building renovation
  • Encourage pledges and facilitate discussion throughout the supply chain
  • Distil ideas for the new European Bauhaus
  • Share guidance and technical assistance for local authorities and citizens
  • Signpost funding opportunities, with specific help for vulnerable communities

Got a great idea?

Take action or contact us!

Did you know?

of total EU energy consumption is used by the building sector
of total EU greenhouse gas emissions come from buildings

European initiatives

The European portal for energy efficiency in buildings.
A common European approach to assess and report on the sustainability of buildings.
A space of encounter to design future ways of living, situated at the crossroads between art, culture, social inclusion, science and technology.

Learn more