Become a Partner of the Pact
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European Climate Pact

Become a Partner of the Pact

European Climate Pact Partners are organisations committed to addressing climate change and contributing to a sustainable future. As part of the Climate Pact, they gain access to a diverse network dedicated to driving climate action and policy advancements throughout the EU. Find out more about the current Partners on our webpage.

To qualify as a Pact Partner, you must meet the requirements below. If you do not meet them, you are welcome to become a ‘Friend of the European Climate Pact’ (more information below).

The call for partners applications is currently closed. Keep an eye on our website and subscribe to our newsletter for further updates.

Any questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us at

Role of Climate Pact Partners

  • Lead by example: showcase your organisation’s dedication to the fight against climate change by taking climate and environmental action.
  • Inspire others and act as a multiplier: encourage citizens, organisations, and regional and national governments to get involved in climate action. Urge relevant stakeholders and policymakers to accelerate systemic changes.
  • Connect with others: team up with like-minded organisations, collaborate with stakeholders from across Europe and share information on EU climate policy and action.


Increase your organisation’s visibility in the area of climate action

  • Feature on the list of Partners on the Climate Pact website and gain recognition for your climate action and initiatives.
  • Share your achievements with us to showcase them via Climate Pact official communication channels (newsletter, stories, articles, etc.).
  • Share your resources and tools via the Climate Pact Knowledge Hub, a repository of materials for the Climate Pact community (e.g. good practices, success stories, tools, guides, and other capacity building materials).

Access events to contribute to climate policy discussions

  • Participate in EU and national Climate Pact events, exclusive to the community, to voice concerns, address challenges and discuss opportunities for climate action with EU policymakers and other stakeholders.

Access the Climate Pact network and resources

  • Liaise and network with other Climate Pact Partners across various sectors of society, benefitting from peer-to-peer learning opportunities, forums and discussions on how other organisations are tackling climate-related issues.
  • Cooperate with our Climate Pact Ambassadors and Country Coordinators at national and regional level.

Are you eligible? 

Your organisation can become a Pact Partner if it meets the following criteria:

  • It is based in an EU Member State
  • It has membership, is part of a network or does outreach to various stakeholders
  • It actively engages with citizens, community groups and other stakeholders
  • It is motivated to contribute to tackling climate change
  • It aligns with the Climate Pact values
  • It commits to promote climate action commitment(s), as outlined in the section below
  • It belongs to one of the below categories of organisations:
  • Non-profit organisations: (e.g. NGOs, networks, associations, alliances, charities)
  • Education, culture and scientific organisations: (e.g. universities, research institutes, museums, scientific associations, foundations, schools)
  • Public sector organisations: (e.g. local government, government agencies, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Health, international organisations)

What you can do as Pact Partner

We invite you to share in the application form your motivation to become a Pact Partner and examples of concrete actions your organisation plans to take, following the below guidelines.

Commit to promote climate action

Indicate at least three concrete actions your organisation intends to undertake throughout the year. These could involve engaging citizens and stakeholders by:

  • Organising climate-related events e.g. hosting webinars on sustainable practices, organising community tree-planting events, etc.)
  • Coordinating climate action initiatives, projects, or campaigns (e.g. leading a local recycling drive, implementing energy-saving initiatives in collaboration with local businesses, etc.)
  • Communicating on climate action (e.g. sharing informative content via your organisation's social media platforms and/or creating awareness campaigns, etc.)
  • Engaging with community groups on climate issues (e.g. providing resources or guidance to community groups on a relevant topic, conducting workshops on sustainable living practices in collaboration with local communities, etc.)

We particularly encourage actions that reach individuals or groups with lower levels of climate awareness and/or who are less engaged in climate action.

Take part in the community

  • Join Climate Pact events led by Country Coordinators, other Pact Partners and Ambassadors to network and learn (at least two per year).
  • Engage with the Pact community groups online.
  • Stay in regular contact with Country Coordinators and the Secretariat and share information on your major events or initiatives to help us showcase them via official Climate Pact channels.

Spread the word

  • Amplify Climate Pact messages and campaigns through your networks.
  • Share your online resources (tools, guidance, know-how) via the Climate Pact Knowledge Hub and make the hub materials available to your members and networks.
  • Be a catalyst in getting new Pact Partners on board and growing our community.
  • Find interested Partners or Ambassadors to co-create events and initiatives at country or community level via a matchmaking service supported by the Climate Pact.
  • Partake in our webinar series to explore topics such as climate awareness, behavioural change, citizen engagement and EU climate policy and action.

The cohort of Climate Pact Partners is not expected to expand until further notice. You can see our current cohort of partners at the following link.

What to expect

  • Complete the E-learning onboarding course: Start your partnership within three weeks.
  • Annual reporting: Showcase your climate actions by meeting annual reporting requirements for partnership renewal. The initial partnership period is one year, subject to renewal.
  • Alignment with the Pact values: Follow European Climate Pact guidelines, and ensure your activities align with the Pact's mission and values.


To maintain the integrity of our Pact Partner community, please refrain from the following: 

  • Misrepresentation of affiliation: Avoid claiming to work for, represent, or speak on behalf of the European Union, European Commission or Pact Secretariat, unless approved by the European Climate Pact in advance.
  • Financial expectations: Please note that financial support from the European Union or the European Climate Pact for your time or activities will not be provided.
  • Avoid seeking personal advantage: Refrain from using your role as a partner to seek undue personal or commercial advantage unrelated to advancing the Pact and its objectives.
  • Say no to greenwashing: Do not use the partnership for greenwashing purposes. Greenwashing involves deceptive practices to portray yourself or your organisation as more environmentally friendly than it is.
  • Responsiveness is key: Ensure timely responses to Pact Secretariat's onboarding, renewal, or reporting requests.
  • Alignment with values: Act consistently with the Climate Pact’s values.

In the event of any violation of the above guidelines, the European Climate Pact reserves the right to withdraw your partner status with immediate effect and without recourse.

Friends of the Pact

If you are not ready to apply or do not fulfil the eligibility criteria for partnership, we invite you to join us as a 'Friend of the Climate Pact’.

Unlike Pact Partners, Friends of the Pact are not required to fulfil the abovementioned criteria, and no formal application is needed. Instead, you can simply subscribe to our newsletter.