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European Climate Pact

Peer Parliaments – Step by step

Step 1: Registration

Host a Peer Parliament and become a pioneer for climate action! Register now as host and invite your friends, family members or colleagues. Together, you can have a on Europe’s climate future!

  • Adding a line for users who are already registered: “If you are already registered on the Community Hub, you can use your existing login for the registration”
  • Registration Form asking for full name and email address
  • After registration, user receives “thank you e-mail” and a description how to sign up to the Community Hub (with a link)


Step 2: Access the toolkits

The Peer Parliament toolkits support hosts to moderate the debate and help participants to learn about the topic and the different policy options. They consist of a manual (facilitation guide) and learning materials for the topic you choose to discuss – in your preferred language. Just download these materials and share them with the participants – either in print or digitally.

Click here [Link to Toolkits] to get access.


Step 3: Invite your peers

Invite a group of around 5-10 committed persons recruited from family, friends, colleagues, local associations, neighbourhood or your social media channels to discuss our European climate future. We show you how to host a Peer Parliament in different settings and give you advice on how to invite your friends.

Click here [Link to Resources] for more information. 


Step 4: Submit your results

After the discussions, you vote on the most preferred options and upload your group ranking. Your results and opinions are collected and aggregated. With all the Peer Parliaments vote from across Europe, we will then draft a report that we present and discuss with policymakers and stakeholders.

Click here [Link to Results] to submit your results.