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European Climate Pact
non-profit organisation

Associação Route Portugal





Non profit

  • Portugal

Sustainability Mission

We aim to be a planetary regeneration route for human systemic consumption, through the cleaning of natural environments, education, data intelligence, engagement, innovation and education. We work with a multidisciplinary team in different locations around the world with a systemic view of problems and solutions.



Our actions – the Pathway

  • Monitor solid waste incorrectly disposed of in the coastal region through beach cleaning actions and raise awareness among the local population through environmental education. At least one cleaning action per month during five months in different locations in Portugal.
  • Working to reduce the carbon footprint of our actions through startups and local businesses that act in native compensation.
  • Promote actions that help diagnose people's behaviour (through forms in establishments such as markets and in our actions) in relation to consumption choices and habits, regarding food, choice of products; if they have habits of correctly disposing of their waste, and understand how we can interfere through education, awareness to help change behaviour and more sustainable habits; generate a positive impact; promotes population engagement; responsibility and environmental awareness; in addition to meeting the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in items 11, 12, respectively, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Responsible Consumption and Production.
  • Train young people in high school, aged 15 to 19, through non-formal education activities and recreational activities that address sustainability and the circular economy, acting directly on the lack of access to these topics in schools and also, relating it to the need to inform how these themes can be inserted in the labour market through talks with different professionals who already work in these areas. The three pillars are: (i) the dissemination of information, (ii) awareness and training, (iii) inspiration to young people. At least in 10 schools in different regions of Portugal in the year 2023.
  • Organize an Artivism event (presential) in the second half of 2023, to talk about the issue of art as a form of expression and education with different local artists to disseminate their work and inspire more people to this movement. Show that waste can be a form of expression, activism, education and awareness. The communication of this event will also be online, in order to promote this movement even more with posts, photos and videos; and if possible take this communication to a younger population to inspire them

Status date: Submitted (26/10/2022)

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