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European Climate Pact
public sectorFlemish Government (Flemish Local Energy and Climate Pact 2021)

Flemish Government (Flemish Local Energy and Climate Pact 2021)




  • Belgium


Climate and Energy

  • Our Local Energy and Climate Pact translates the EU climate ambition into tangible targets, described per amount of citizens (e.g. 1 tree extra per citizen or 1m³ rainwater buffering by 2030) in order to get everyone on board. 293 cities joined!

Status date: Reported (12/17/2021)

Data source:


Our pledge is together with the 293 local authorities that have signed the Flemish Local Energy and Climate Pact (2021)

Our Flemish Local Energy and Climate Pact consists of 10 very tangible targets on climate adaptation and mitigation in 4 domains:

  1. Greening our cities; planting 1 tree extra per citizen by 2030, 1 natural park extra per 1.000 citizens by 2030, 0,5 m hedges or façade gardens per citizen by 2030
  2. Sustainable energy: 1 cooperative renewable energy project (e.g. in the light of energy communities) per 500 inhabitants by 2030 and 50 collective housing renovations per 1.000 units by 2030.
  3. Mobility: access to shared mobility (1 access point per 1000 inhabitants/ 1 shared zero-emission car per 500 inhabitants), E.V. charging infrastructure (1 CPE per 100 citizens by 2030) and more bicycle lanes (1 meter per citizen) by 2030.
  4. Rainwater: 1 m ² softened surface for water infiltration per citizen, 1 m³ additional rainwater recuperation per citizen

Signing the Flemish pact also included signing the Covenant of Mayors 2030. In this way, we are keen on linking the European and Local initiatives.

As Flemish government we signed the Flemish Pact as well, in order to provide financial support, knowledge transfer via the VVSG -the umbrella organization of local governments in Flanders and the engagement as regional government to do what’s needed to facilitate the local realization of the climate ambition.

I hope our pact will be used as an instrument to reach out to citizens, stakeholders and companies to align forces and accelerate the implementation of measures that improve the livelihood of our people, strengthen the innovation interests of our companies and safeguard a sustainable future for the next generations.


20 DECEMBER 2021
Flemish Local Energy and Climate Pact Signatories - Dec 2021