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European Climate Pact
Public debates

Satellite event: IL GREEN DEAL SIAMO NOI - Voci del Clima / THE GREEN DEAL IS US - Voices of Climate

Dialogue between experts and researchers on 'climate migrants'. Who, unlike refugees or asylum seekers, is a category not yet recognised by international law.

Few people know what a 'climate migrant' is, unlike figures such as the refugee or the asylum seeker, it is a category not yet recognised by international law. Dialogue with experts and researchers who, starting from the study of narrative processes in the construction of the self of migrants who move for climate reasons, will propose a new and stimulating point of view on this issue.

Speakers: Mara Rumiz of Emergency Venice, Lorenzo Biagi and Luca Cremasco of IUSVE, Gianni Tartari and Silvia Di Gennaro, ambassadors of the European Climate Pact.

A short performance will follow.

Satellite event: IL GREEN DEAL SIAMO NOI - Voci del Clima / THE GREEN DEAL IS US - Voices of Climate
  • adaptation to climate change | popularising science
  • Thursday 13 June 2024, 18:00 - 19:30 (CEST)
  • Venice, Italy

Practical information

Thursday 13 June 2024, 18:00 - 19:30 (CEST)
Forte Marghera
30170 Venice, Italy
Learn more