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European Climate Pact
Conferences and summits

Satellite event: GREENPACT. European ESG Summit

How to generate positive environmental and social impact - this is what the participants of the upcoming GREENPACT European ESG Summit Congress will debate.

GREENPACT Congress The European ESG Summit is a synergy of taking a broad view of global issues and implementing solutions on a local scale. What might this look like in practice?

Can a small workplace have an impact on climate change or on migration issues? Not only can, but already has it. That's why we are facing a green transformation, which is too often presented as a costly challenge. What if we told you that:

  • by implementing sustainability and ESG, you can make serious savings, if only in raw material management or energy consumption,
  • you can create a friendly workplace for everyone, based not only on competence, but also on mutual respect and understanding,
  • your business activities can bring profit not only to you, but to the local community,
  • you can engage with the community and encourage your employees to do so?

Participants of the GREENPACT Congress. The European ESG Summit will be attended by business representatives, investors, social activists, academics and government officials. GREENPACT participants will be people, who care and who do not lack vision for the future. The ESG Congress will be divided into a debate area, panel discussions and an exhibition space.

Satellite event: GREENPACT. European ESG Summit
  • climate change | energy consumption
  • Tuesday 29 October 2024, 09:00 - Wednesday 30 October 2024, 20:00 (CET)
  • Poznan, Poland

Practical information

Tuesday 29 October 2024, 09:00 - Wednesday 30 October 2024, 20:00 (CET)
MTP Poznan Expo
Głogowska 14, Poznan, Poland
Polish, English
Polish Chamber of Commerce
Learn more