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European Climate Pact
Conferences and summits

Satellite event: Equitrade 2024: building a strong, resilient and fair world in International Business

Mock Cop for undergraduate students dedicated to Fair Trade in International Business organised at University College Condorcet, in partnership with Enabel. After the opening session students will work on this project for six weeks in full immersion.

Our project is a six-week simulation of a Conference of Parties (COP) focused on Fair Trade, designed to coincide with the FairTrade Week. The event is structured to provide an immersive and educational experience for students studying International Business, with a strong emphasis on interactive learning and real-world applications.

In the first two weeks, students will be introduced to the principles and practices of Fair Trade. They will be assigned roles representing various countries, NGOs, corporations, and international organizations. This phase will involve intensive research and preparation of position papers, enabling students to thoroughly understand their assigned perspectives and the broader context of Fair Trade.

The core activities will take place during weeks three and four, aligning with the official Fair Trade Week.  

During this period, students will engage in a series of workshops, seminars, and panel discussions led by external experts from organizations such as the Belgian Fair Trade Federation, Oxfam, and WWF. These sessions will cover crucial topics including environmental sustainability, social justice, and economic impacts of Fair Trade. The highlight will be an intensive simulation of COP negotiations, where students will negotiate and draft resolutions addressing Fair Trade issues.

In the final two weeks, students will analyse the outcomes of their negotiations, participate in debriefing sessions, and receive feedback. They will also work on preparing comprehensive reports and sharing their findings through various channels, including social media, official school platforms, and partner organizations.

The primary goals of this project are to enhance students' understanding of Fair Trade, develop practical skills in research, negotiation, and public speaking, and foster a greater awareness of the importance of Fair Trade in promoting global sustainability and social justice. By involving external experts and leveraging real-world case studies, the project aims to provide a holistic and impactful learning experience that prepares students for future careers in international business and advocacy. 

Overall, this innovative and creative project not only supports the educational objectives of the Haute École Condorcet but also contributes to ongoing efforts in promoting sustainable development and Fair Trade practices. By engaging students, experts, and the community, we aim to create a lasting impact and inspire future initiatives in Fair Trade and sustainability.

  • educational exchange
  • Monday 30 September 2024, 09:00 - Monday 28 October 2024, 12:30 (CET)
  • Charleroi, Belgium

Practical information

Monday 30 September 2024, 09:00 - Monday 28 October 2024, 12:30 (CET)
Campus Charleroi
Square Jules Hiernaux 2, 6000 Charleroi, Belgium
French, English
Haute Ecole Provinciale de Hainaut Condorcet