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European Climate Pact
Pact Ambassador for Portugal

Mariana Gomes

Mariana Gomes
Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • green skills
  • just transition
  • other
  • Portugal



I am a 22 years old Law student at University of Lisbon. I have been a climate activist since 2019 when I organised one of the first climate strikes in Portugal. I have been working with projects linked to SGD5-SDG13 and legal volunteering in the context of NGOs, local groups, national, European, North American and Latin entities, namely in Brazil where I lived for a year.

2022 culminated with the award of recognition by the US State Department as one of the 20 young leaders in Europe. In the same year, I launched the Último Recurso Association, aiming to use Climate Litigation for the first time in Portugal, and the association is now suing the Portuguese Government for lack of climate accountability.

I am a University of Nevada Alumni for studies in Climate Change, Journalism, Communication and Leadership.

Between 2023-2025, I will be one of the young consultants of the President of Portugal.