Register a satellite event
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European Climate Pact

Register a satellite event

The Commission is inviting individuals and organisations to organise European Climate Pact satellite events.

These events will allow for discussions in national languages to reach out to local communities, focus on specific topics or highlight the role of particular groups or sectors in the European Climate Pact.

Why organise a satellite event?

Organising a European Climate Pact satellite event gives you the opportunity to:

  • share your ideas and debate solutions with your community, decision-makers, and the general public.
  • show your and/or your organisation’s active role in the European Climate Pact.
  • gain EU-wide online visibility by having your event published on the European Climate Pact website.
  • broaden your outreach and invite new networks to your event.

What kind of events are eligible?

Satellite events can address many topics and audiences if the activity clearly aligns with the objectives and values of the Pact.

A European Climate Pact satellite event can be organised by citizens, non-profit organisations, universities, public bodies, city networks, trade and industry organisations, businesses, consumer associations and others.

European Climate Pact satellite events should:

  • be non-profit, open to the public and have no admission fees.
  • aim to attract a minimum of 10 people.

Please also note that:

  • The organisation promoting the event must not be involved in the production or the promotion of any products, actions or events that are potentially harmful to citizens.
  • Satellite events may be part of an existing project, programme, or promotional activity. However, your entry should focus on a specific event taking place during the period indicated.
  • There is no EU funding available for organising a European Climate Pact satellite event, nor referrals to potential sponsors. We are also not providing organisational support.

How to submit an event?

You can submit a satellite event by clicking on the ‘Register your event’ button that you can find in the banner below.

The registration form must be submitted in clear, standard English, no matter what language the event will be held in. We will review your event registration to verify that all the necessary information has been correctly submitted and that your event meets the eligible criteria. We strongly recommend to thoroughly check the form before submitting, to make sure that all the requested information is duly submitted. Any incomplete submission will not be considered as registered and it will not be published on the website.

If the information in the form is complete and your event is eligible, your event will be published on the Pact website.

Please register your event at least three weeks before the event, to allow us to assess your entry and get back to you if any adjustments are needed.

The European Commission reserves the right to select the satellite events to be published based on an overall consideration of the objectives, values, and ongoing development of the initiative.

Satellite Event banner 2023

Interested in organising a satellite event?