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European Climate Pact
non-profit organisation


EuCliPa logo
  • Italy
Thematic area
  • Education, awareness building and behavioural change
  • Policy and Governance

EuCliPa was set up in 2022 by a group of Italian ambassadors of the European Climate Pact, but it is also open to those citizens who wish to collaborate with us without making a formal commitment with the European Commission.

EuCliPa inspires people with different backgrounds who devote their skills and part of their free time to explaining that the climate crisis is here and now, and highlighting what needs to be done to tackle it. As such, it seeks to create the conditions for citizens to be aware of what the EU is doing to combat climate change and to actively participate in local climate policies. Citizen engagement is therefore at the core of EuCliPa’s actions, and the organisation is grounded in the notion that small actions come together to make a tangible difference.


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