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European Climate Pact

Spoznajte naše ambasadorje in ambasadorke

Spoznajte ambasadorje in ambasadorke evropskega podnebnega pakta, ki se z veliko vnemo zavzemajo za podnebne ukrepe in spremembe.

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Spoznajte naše ambasadorje in ambasadorke (843)

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Milena Ilieva
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Bulgaria

The issue of climate change covers all spheres of life. In order for every inhabitant of the planet to be a participant in this process, it is necessary to have above all awareness on climate issues. 

Through theoretical and practical education among children and young people, I plan to achieve a better environmental culture, raise awareness and take personal responsibility.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • green skills
  • sustainable food
  • Bulgaria
Silvia Ingenetti
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Italy
Social media links

I am a geography teacher committed to spreading the message related to climate change, to deepen the scientific issues related to the impacts of climate change in an objective aimed at making students part of the solution, as individuals and as a society.Thanks to the skills acquired in my two degrees in literature and clinical psychology and rehabilitation, I can see a real personal need in the students.

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • green skills
  • just transition
  • oceans and other water-related
  • sustainable food
  • sustainable transport
  • Italy
Matteo Innocenti
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Italy
matteo [dot] innocenti3atgmail [dot] com
Social media links

Matteo Innocenti, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, ecotherapist at Istituto Psicologico Italiano, Milan. President of the Italian Climate Change Anxiety Association, PhD student at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome. Author of the book Ecoansia.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • Italy
Dadastone  Ipoma N'Kanga
  • Pact Ambassador for France
Dadastone [dot] ipomaatipoma [dot] org
Social media links

Je suis président de la fondation & Association IPOMA, ambassadeur de Paix de la Fédération de paix universelle et dans ma fonction d’ambassadeur Pact Climat nous allons organiser plusieurs ateliers de formation et journées de sensibilisation dans des banlieues ou quartiers où il y a plus de familles en situation de précarité sur le climat, l’environnement et de sensibiliser les jeunes sur le développement durable.

Translation - I am the President of the IPOMA Foundation & Association, Ambassador for Peace of the Universal Peace Federation and in my role as Pact Climate Ambassador I am going to organise several training workshops and awareness-raising days in suburbs or neighborhoods where there are many families in precarious situations in relation to climate impacts and degraded evironment, aiming to raise awareness among young people on sustainable development. 

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green skills
  • zero pollution
  • France
Christophe Ippolito
  • Pact Ambassador for France
ippolito [dot] christopheatgmail [dot] com
Social media links

A passionate humanist, I love simple things and simple people. Admiring the beauty of our planet, I want to contribute in my own small way to its protection, so that future generations can still marvel at it and not be afraid of it.

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • energy
  • green buildings, renovation wave
  • sustainable transport
  • zero pollution
  • France
Mikel Irujo Amezaga
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador representing the European Committee of the Regions in Spain
mikel [dot] irujo [dot] amezagaatnavarra [dot] es
Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • green buildings, renovation wave
  • sustainable food
  • sustainable transport
  • Spain
Júlia Isern
  • Pact Ambassador for Spain
juliIaisernbennassaratgmail [dot] com
Social media links

As a climate ambassador, I am committed to raising climate change awareness in Mallorca. The tourism industry is our major greenhouse gas emitter, urging an economic model re-evaluation. Rising temperatures threaten tourism, emphasising the climate crisis's severity and the need for diversification.

As a Climate Fresk facilitator, I will host educational workshops to empower participants, turning climate anxiety into action. As a podcaster I will continue addressing environmental impacts and promoting sustainable practices.

The climate crisis can be overwhelming, leaving many feeling helpless. Therefore, I am committed to emphasising the positive progress we are making, rather than solely focusing on negative aspects. We must nurture hope and inspire action, as it is crucial for people to truly understand that combating climate change is not only possible but necessary for our collective well-being.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • just transition
  • sustainable transport
  • Spain
Valentin Ivanov
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Germany
valentin [dot] ivanovattu-ilmenau [dot] de
Social media links

Environment-safe vehicles were always in the focus of my research and innovation activities. As the coordinator of several European projects in this field I would like to promote green transportation technologies among not only professional communities but also general public through targeted educational events. They should attract first of all young talented people as future high-skilled professionals capable to meet the challenges of climate-friendly society and economy.

Thematic areas
  • sustainable transport
  • Germany
Valeriya Izhyk
  • Pact Ambassador for Belgium
valeriya [dot] izhykatbankwatch [dot] org
Social media links

As a Climate Ambassador, I will advocate for Ukraine’s green recovery and its contribution to Europe’s net-zero ambition. Even though we live in a very turbulent time, which jeopardises climate action progress, it also equips us with new arguments as to why we should keep pushing. Ukraine’s reconstruction can become a new European role model of how green technologies and climate-friendly solutions can boost the economy, acting as an inspiration for how development can occur alongside nature protection and preservation. I see creating demand for green reconstruction among Ukrainians and other Europeans as my contribution to a greener European Union. 

Thematic areas
  • energy
  • green skills
  • just transition
  • Belgium
María Antonia Izquierdo Caballero
  • Pact Ambassador for Spain
tonia [dot] izquierdoatgmail [dot] com
Social media links

Born in Valencia, adopted by Paris and with Prague in my heart. Creative civil engineer, engaged public servant and everyday 20km bike commuter. I feel that a lot of uninformed, closed and/or sceptic minds need to be approached and communicated with in a positive and "non washing" way to send the right messages and receive back their doubts and hesitations. I would like to build upon my international and local experience to share and shape new forms of changing our daily habits at home and in particular on professional and local policy levels. I am a person open for discussion and compromises but with strong commitment to obtaining results. Therefore I wish to dedicate my energy, knowledge and networking resources to educate, train and bring arguments to the target group I am able to reach out within the Pact Ambassadors assignment. 

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • sustainable transport
  • Spain
Andres Jaadla
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Estonia
Social media links

Empowering citizens to shape a greener Europe. By sharing our ideas and inspiring each other, we as Citizens and I as Ambassador, could multiply the collective impact. As a Climate Pact Ambassador, I will lead by example and engage communities in climate action.

Work experience:

  • 2023 - Rapporteur of - "Smart, sustainable and affordable housing as a tool for local authorities to face multiple challenges"
  • 2022 - …. The EU Climate Pact Ambassador
  • 2021 - …. The National Ambassador of the European Covenant of Mayors, in Estonia , Member of the second Chamber of EU Ambassador of the European Covenant of Mayors
  • 2018 – Rapporteur of EU - Committee of the Regions “ The space programme of the European Union and the European Union Agency for the Space Programme “
  • 2017 - Rapporteur of EU - Committee of the Regions „ Space Strategy for Europe „
  • 2016 - Rapporteur of EU - Committee of the Regions “EU environment law: improving reporting and compliance”
  • 2016 - …. The Ambassador of the European Covenant of Mayors, European Committee of the Regions -
  • 2015 - 2020 Member of EU - Committee of the Regions (ENVE Commission), Member of the commission of Environment and Climate Change (ENVE)
  • 2013 - …. Member of Smart Cities Stakeholder Platform. The Smart Cities Stakeholder Platform initiated by the European Commission
  • 2015 - … Member of the UNECE Housing and land management UNECE Real Estate Market Advisory Group (REM)
  • 2019 – 2021 Vice mayor of Rakvere
  • 2002 – 2012 - Mayor, City of Rakvere
Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • green buildings, renovation wave
  • sustainable food
  • zero pollution
  • Estonia
Halina Jagielska
  • Pact Ambassador for Poland
halina [dot] jagielskaatyouthenergy [dot] eu
Social media links

I was born in 2001 and I am from Krakow, Poland. My interest in environmental and energy issues started almost as soon as I began my law studies four years ago when I made working on energy law my main pastime. I recently connected with a Polish climate and anti-war initiative called Wschod, with whom I have cooperated ever since. My personal mission is to show people that there are several and efficient ways of affecting the course of climate policies and everyone is welcome to find their place in the actions for greener and more sustainable world. In the coming year, I plan to spread this message by organising workshops, talks and further trasmitting the findings of young energy analysts on crucial matters such as the energy poverty of youth. I also intend to engage the business partners of the renewable energy sector in which I work, in the climate movement. 

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • green buildings, renovation wave
  • just transition
  • Poland
Fatemeh Jailani
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in France
Social media links

Climate change is one of the biggest issue of our century. Building a green Europe will be essential, and can even strengthen the European identity. Over the years, EU institutions have already developed some leading green frameworks within the scope of the European Green Deal. However, for this initiative to succeed, everyone has a part to play in Informing, Inspiring and Including EU citizens in this project. As an ambassador, I aim to facilitate this educational and awareness process.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • green buildings, renovation wave
  • other
  • sustainable transport
  • France
Morgan Janowicz
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Poland

Partnership Coordinator at Green REV Institute and Coordinator of the Future Food 4 Climate Coalition, very first and the biggest coalition in Poland that works towards sustainable food system. Student in the IT and Technology.

Thematic areas
  • sustainable food
  • Poland
Fons Janssen
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Netherlands
fons [dot] janssenatgd4y [dot] org
Telefonska številka
Social media links

As a regional energy civil servant I will help businesses, business parks and housing corporations with solar roofs and later energy hubs for business parks.

As a young professionals for sustainability I'll write blogs how young workers are pushing their organisation for sustainability

As a new inhabitant of the Parkstad region I'll join various groups to practically plant more plants and make our neighbourhood more beautiful and social inclusive.

In my hometown of Veulen, I'll help out how young people can be more involved in the green programmes of my municipality of Venray.

Thematic areas
  • no specific thematic focus
  • Netherlands
Pirjo Jantunen
  • Pact Ambassador for Finland
Social media links

As a Climate Pact Ambassador, I will continue my every day work towards a sustainable society. We already have ambitious goals, now it is time for bold actions. We need everyone on board: policy-makers, businesses, municipalities, communities, and people. Most importantly, we need to engage future generations; youth and children. My goal is inspire and engage people and organisations to act.

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • green buildings, renovation wave
  • Finland
Artur Jaskulski
  • Pact Ambassador for Poland
artur [dot] jaskulskiatprotonmail [dot] com
Social media links

I want to raise awareness among young people and different companies on why climate and sustainability are so important. Using social media, publishing articles and also using a platform of the Water Committee, I want to let businesses and people know that we have no time and we must act now.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • green buildings, renovation wave
  • Poland
Marija Jevtic
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Belgium
marija [dot] jevticatuns [dot] ac [dot] rs
Social media links

Environment and Health Section of European Public Health Association (EUPHA ENV) insists on putting the environmental health protection and evidence-based disease prevention at the heart of the world’s and EU’s Covid-19 recovery process. As a president of EUPHA ENV Section, I will advocate it is important to point out that, above all, the Global Paris Climate Agreement, SDGs and the EU Green Deal should be guiding principles and policy pathways for all the experts, and society at large.


Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • green skills
  • sustainable food
  • Belgium
Gittemarie  Johansen
  • Pact Ambassador for Denmark
Gittemaryatoutlook [dot] dk
Social media links

I want to hold polluting companies and corporations accountable for their climate impact. Though consumer awareness content, and lectures, I want to create comprehensive materials that will make it easier for individuals to navigate sustainability, and assist in creating a set of tools that make understanding the impact of products around us simpler. 

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • green skills
  • oceans and other water-related
  • sustainable food
  • sustainable transport
  • zero pollution
  • Denmark
Joachim John
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Belgium
joachim081166atgmail [dot] com
Social media links

My name is Joachim John, I have been working for the R&D centre imec in Leuven, Belgium in management positions within the Energy Department for more than 20 years. My work is focused on research and development of renewable energy sources and storage, like solar cells and green hydrogen production. My main activity as an Ambassodor will be the education of young scientists and to enable the energy transition from fossile fuels to renewables by novel technology development.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • sustainable transport
  • Belgium