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European Climate Pact

Iltaqa’ mal-Ambaxxaturi tagħna

Iltaqa’ mal-Ambaxxaturi tal-Patt Klimatiku Ewropew – nies b’passjoni għall-azzjoni klimatika u li bis-saħħa tagħhom issir il-bidla.

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Iltaqa’ mal-Ambaxxaturi tagħna (1)

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  • Pact Ambassador for Luxembourg
semion [dot] smolenskiyatyouth4planet [dot] org
Social media links

I recently completed high school in Luxembourg in environmental science. Now I have been working for one year at Youth4Planet Luxembourg. Our aim is to enspire and empower young people to engage in NGO efforts or through creating their own Climate Action Teams in school. We inspire/educate youngsters about the 17 SDG through short films.

Thematic areas
  • no specific thematic focus
  • other
  • Luxembourg