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European Climate Pact

Meet our Ambassadors

Meet the European Climate Pact Ambassadors – people passionate about climate action and making change happen. Find out more about how you can apply to become a Pact Ambassador.

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Meet our Ambassadors (843)

Showing results 680 to 700
Himannshu Sharma
  • Pact Ambassador for Greece
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I am the Chairperson of Elan Inc, a management consulting firm actively involved with sustainable development goals, currently supporting hundreds of educational institutions and corporate around the world on matters pertaining to sustainability. I have a sustainability professional, and am an author and researcher with extensive background in sustainability in businesses and institutions.

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • sustainable transport
  • zero pollution
  • Greece
Nicolas Siegler
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in France
Social media links

The heart of Europe beats to the rhythm of the challenges of sustainable and reasoned development of our territories. Every day, everyone's action should work towards pursuing these interests. Promote the new green deal. Promote a green and circular economy linking social and ecological transition. Promote green education. Support a transition to 100% fossil fuel-free public transportation...

It should be the task of each of us, it will be mine with you.

Thematic areas
  • other
  • France
Ambassador Maria Isabel Silva Souza
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Spain
isabelsilva [dot] docenciaatgmail [dot] com
Social media links

Isabel Silva is a Higher Technician in Processes and Quality in the Food Industry, co-Founder of the A 4 Voces Research Center

I want to raise awareness about the agri-food system and the need to adapt the food sector to make it more sustainable and how it influences climate change.

I intend to make visible the environmental impact of food waste, its consequences for the planet and people's lives.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • oceans and other water-related
  • sustainable food
  • Spain
Monika Simon
  • Pact Ambassador for Hungary
monikaatgreen-gains [dot] com
Social media links

I have an extraordinary passion for our Planet and all its living creatures. Since Earth is the only life sustaining planet we know of, I believe it is our job to try our best to keep it healthy and sustainable for the future generations. Therefore, I am working towards this goal, by planting trees (reforest) to alleviate biodiversity loss, and educating children at schools and at local community events to respect the natural environment by leaving as little ecological footprint as we can.

In addition, I am working towards improving companies' sustainability work and knowledge to help them doing good business and involve them in our community events as much as possible. I believe that Diversity, Equality and Inclusion helps us be our best selves and when united, we can achieve a better sustainable future for all. 

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • green skills
  • zero pollution
  • Hungary
Martin Šinka
  • Pact Ambassador for Slovakia
martin [dot] sinka99atgmail [dot] com
Social media links

My name is Martin Šinka and I am currently working as Jr. economic analyst at the Value for Money Unit of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic. The sphere of my professional interests includes mostly energy-related topics. Within my mandate, I intend to examine the current state of support for RES deployment in Slovakia and in collaboration with other responsible state authorities, energy sector’s representatives as well as other stakeholders, offer viable solutions for more intense usage of solar and wind potential in my country.

Apart from that, as a European Climate Pact Ambassador I would like to increase young generation’s awareness about the green economy. I believe that proper understanding and implementation of this concept may accelerate the pace of climate change mitigation. Therefore, I am eager to use my knowledge and professional experience to clearly explain to young people how the green economy really works and why it is so promising.

Thematic areas
  • energy
  • other
  • Slovakia
Konstantina Siountri
  • Pact Ambassador for Greece
csiountriatyahoo [dot] gr
Social media links

As a member of the Scientific Committee and adjunct lecturer for the MSc program "Digital Culture, Smart IoT Cities, and Advanced Digital Technologies" at the University of Piraeus, which holds the UNESCO chair "Creative Cities in Motion: Urban Sustainable Mobility and Utilization of Cultural Resources," and as an adjunct lecturer at the University of Western Macedonia, my goal is to promote the European Green Deal objectives among the younger generation. My professional journey, has encompassed substantial experience and contributions as an architect-conservator in both the Ministry of Culture and the private sector. Currently, I hold the position of Scientific Associate at the General Secretariat of Spatial Planning and Urban Environment within the Ministry of Environment and Energy, focusing on cultural heritage preservation, the New European Bauhaus initiative, and the EU Mission "100 Climate Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030", passionately contributing to sustainable development in Greece.

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green buildings, renovation wave
  • green skills
  • sustainable transport
  • Greece
Ambassador Zoran Skala
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Croatia
zoran [dot] skalaatri [dot] t-com [dot] hr

I am a retired (70) engineer, with experience in spatial planning, who has been working on local sustainability for more than 20 years. I participated in the work of ICLEI, CEMR (its National LA 21 Coordinators Network and of the Environment Committee), MCSD (UNEP/MAP) and learned a lot.

Therefore, I feel personal responsibility to help people to understand the new global climate and energy reality, and that we have only ten years to do what is necessary to secure quality of life for our children.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • green buildings, renovation wave
  • oceans and other water-related
  • sustainable food
  • sustainable transport
  • Croatia
Mark Skljarov
  • Pact Ambassador for Estonia
mark [dot] skljarovatgmail [dot] com
Social media links

I am a 23-year-old changemaker whose climate engagement has traversed both entrepreneurial and research realms. As the CEO of WasteLocker, I spearheaded innovations in responsible waste management, deploying IoT technologies and fostering community engagement to significantly reduce waste across diverse sectors and regions.

Concurrently, at TalTech University of Technology, I took part in co-developing a tool that simulates and quantifies urban pollution, aiding in optimising sustainable urban planning by mitigating environmental impacts and promoting urban health.

These ventures collectively harmonise technology, community, and data-driven research to construct practical solutions, reducing environmental impacts and propelling sustainable practices in urban environments.

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green buildings, renovation wave
  • green skills
  • other
  • Estonia
Radka Slebodníková
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Slovak Republic
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I'm a medical student with a strong focus on social and environmental issues.

I am trying to use my voice to help others realize such a complex problem as climate change.

With my science related background I'm persuing to create a space with facts and data that general public can understand.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green skills
  • sustainable transport
  • Slovakia
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Netherlands
w [dot] grootoonkatjongerenmilieuraad [dot] nl

I envision a world where life can thrive as a whole. As an ambassador I want to educate and inspire current and future leaders about existing climate solutions. At Drawdown Europe our mission is to rapidly stop and begin to reverse global warming while working towards a regenerative and equitable world. We do that by translating the global Drawdown climate solution set to the European context.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • green skills
  • Netherlands
Michal Slota
  • Pact Ambassador for Poland
michalatcontentfarmers [dot] eu
Social media links

I am an interdisciplinary scientist with professional experience in plant biotechnology and human health sciences. I am passionate about plant nutrition, soil biology, and regenerative agricultural practices, having extensive experience in science communication, content creation, and public speaking.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • sustainable food
  • Poland
Semion Smolenskiy
  • Pact Ambassador for Luxembourg
semion [dot] smolenskiyatyouth4planet [dot] org
Social media links

I recently completed high school in Luxembourg in environmental science. Now I have been working for one year at Youth4Planet Luxembourg. Our aim is to enspire and empower young people to engage in NGO efforts or through creating their own Climate Action Teams in school. We inspire/educate youngsters about the 17 SDG through short films.

Thematic areas
  • no specific thematic focus
  • other
  • Luxembourg
Cecilia Sobral
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Belgium
Social media links

As sustainability researcher, I am at the forefront of what we know – and don’t know – about the climate and biodiversity crisis and want to communicate this in ways that enable educated decisions and effective action. We need to help people see the steps they can take towards a greener future.

One important, but often contentious issue is food. That’s why, as Climate Pact Ambassador, I’m focusing on presenting and discussing sustainable – and delicious – transformation pathways on our plates.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • green skills
  • sustainable food
  • zero pollution
  • Belgium
Güzide Sofi
  • Pact Ambassador for Cyprus
guzidesofiatoutlook [dot] com
Social media links

I am a Cypriot peace and environmental activist. I hold a degree in economics and mathematics from the London School of Economics and completed my master's degree in economics, focusing on development and policy, in Paris. Most of my time is dedicated to youth organisations and sustainability projects. I am part of the core team of LCOY Cyprus, where I organised the first and second Local Conferences of Youth (LCOY) in Cyprus, ensuring Cypriot voices are heard in UN processes like COY and COP. My experience includes working with NGOs such as Milkywire, London Politica, ReShape Co., and the International Crisis Group. I have worked with youth through these organisations and my recent traineeship in communications at the European Parliament. As the Country Contact Point of Cyprus for COY17, I organised the first-ever bicommunal delegation from Cyprus to a COY.

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green skills
  • Cyprus
Monia Sogni
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Italy
Social media links

I am an employee and an artist based in Italy, and I have always wanted to do something to help people. Thanks to the Minister of Equal Opportunities in Italy, I became in 2013 one of the Ambassadors for Equal Opportunities in the University of Bicocca in Milan. In 2017 after the earthquake in Abruzzo, I opened a page called "A house for Abruzzo" to help people find a new house. I joined the EU Climate Pact because I put great trust in it and I want to make a difference in collaboration with others ambassadors.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • green buildings, renovation wave
  • green skills
  • sustainable food
  • Italy
Bart Somers
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Belgium

As Vice-Minister-President of the Flemish Government and Minister of internal affairs, integration and living in diversity, I want to do everything in my power to encourage ambitious climate actions. I believe in the tremendous potential and willpower of local governments to implement real solutions on the ground. That is why I took the initiative to create a new ecosystem of cooperation between local governments and the Flemish government. That became our Local Energy and Climate Pact, now signed by 293 out of our 300 local governments.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • green buildings, renovation wave
  • sustainable transport
  • Belgium
Furkan Sorkuncuk
  • Pact Ambassador for Germany
furkanatvolonterupe [dot] eu
Social media links

I am originally from Turkey and currently residing in Germany while working in the heart of Brussels as a Project Coordinator at Volonteurope. With a background in Law, my experiences living in various European countries have provided me with first-hand insights into the diverse climate challenges faced across the continent. I am dedicated to making a significant impact as a Climate Pact Ambassador by organising workshops through the various projects I have been actively taking part in by connecting climate advocacy directly with sustainability practices, and empowering individuals for eco-friendly careers, addressing greenwashing. Additionally, my role in actively implementing climate and environmental components in different projects will allow me to bring the issues to the forefront with many young Europeans. Climate change remains central to shaping Europe's future and it should be aligned perfectly with the overarching goals of climate action and the Climate Pact.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green skills
  • just transition
  • oceans and other water-related
  • Germany
Goda Sosnovskiene
  • Pact Ambassadsor for Lithuania
labasatmiestolaboratorija [dot] lt
Social media links

I am Goda Sosnovskiene, co-founder of a green community center Miesto laboratorija in Vilnius. I am very honoured to become Climate Pact ambassador. During the upcoming year I will be  sharing the best practises of sustainable everyday living and other climate-related topics with our local community as well as spreading the word on national and international level.         

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • green skills
  • sustainable food
  • Lithuania
Ifigeneia Souflia
  • Pact Ambassador for Greece
ifigeneiasoufliaatgmail [dot] com
Social media links

I am a Surveying Engineer and have worked on issues related to the climate transition for cities through urban Planning and especially the expansion green spaces. In my expierence, I have seen first hand the challenges in building a resilient environment. They that relate to society, culture and the actions and proposals that cannot be easily quantified or put into specific models. The impact of the climate crisis but also technological developments, urbanisation, globalisation, mass displacement of refugees and the great economic crisis affecting Europe and the planet in general, as well as various other factors, have shifted a focus to raising the awareness of more  people regarding the new realities they face and how to build resilience to it. I believe I can bring my experiences towards helping in this endeavour.

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • green buildings, renovation wave
  • green skills
  • sustainable food
  • sustainable transport
  • zero pollution
  • Greece
Marleno  Souza
  • Pact Ambassador for Portugal
marlenosouza30atgmail [dot] com
Social media links

Eu sou um entusiasta da formação continuada, nomeadamente, sobre mudanças climáticas. Minhas atividades são centradas nas conferências itinerantes em diferentes e afastadas zonas portuguesas.

Translation: I am enthusiastic about continuing education, particularly on climate change. My activities focus on traveling conferences in different and remote areas of Portugal.

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • green buildings, renovation wave
  • green skills
  • sustainable transport
  • zero pollution
  • Portugal