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European Climate Pact

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Mød vores ambassadører (843)

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Maria Soxbo
  • Pact Ambassador for Sweden
mariaatmariasoxbo [dot] se
Social media links

As a journalist and ”greenfluencer”, communication is my number one tool to inspire climate action and change. I dedicate my time to raise awareness about the flaws and injustices of our current way of life and the advantages of a climate-friendly lifestyle, primarily through lectures, books, articles, blogposts, podcast episodes and posts in social media. The personal gains of having a climate-friendly lifestyle and living in a society within the planetary boundaries are often over-looked in politics, media and the current social debate, and we need more positive visions of what a transformed society could look like.

I am also the co-founder of a climate organisation, Klimatklubben (Climate Club), which helps citizens find easy (and fun!) ways to engage in climate action, sustainability work and system change on a regional as well as national level.

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • Sweden
Vittorio Sozzo
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Italy
Social media links

I am persuaded that respect for all men passes through respect for the environment and care for the "piece of land" entrusted to us. I am a father and with my actions I want to leave a better world than it is now, bequeathing it to my son and all those he represents. Engaged in the world of energy, I spend my time informing people about the good use of energy sources. I am a volunteer in the Catholic world, in which I would like to promote initiatives for the return to the land and respect for it.

Thematic areas
  • energy
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • sustainable transport
  • Italy
Zornitsa Spasova
  • Pact Ambassador for Bulgaria
z_spassovaatabv [dot] bg
Social media links

I work as Chief assistant professor at the National Center for Public Health and Analysis (NCPHA) of the Ministry of Health and author for Climateka.bg. I have a doctoral degree in "Climatology" obtained from the Sofia university "St. Kliment Ohridski". I have been dealing with the impact of climate change on human health since 2008, specialising many times abroad. I am also the scientific secretary of the Bulgarian Medical Geography Society, hub manager of the Climate KIC program for the NCPHA (2021-2023) and organiser of the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change in Bulgaria. In 2023 I won the European Meteorological Society Journalistic Award, as well as second place in the "Economics" category at the Web report 2023 competition, as well as third place in the "Online Media" category at the National Competition for Green journalism in 2022.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • just transition
  • other
  • sustainable transport
  • Bulgaria
Pietro Spataro
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Italy
spataro [dot] pietro [dot] 36atgmail [dot] com
Social media links

I specialize in the management of decarbonization, climate change and sustainability. I held a Master in Management of SDG and a bachelor and master’s degree in Earth Sciences and Climatology.

I am highly involved in youth empowerment programmes and green programmes for young professionals. 

As an Ambassador, I want to increase my efforts in spreading information related to climate change, potential solutions and best practices and empower young people and help them find new solutions.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • green buildings, renovation wave
  • green skills
  • sustainable food
  • sustainable transport
  • Italy
Alexander  Spechtenhauser
  • Pact Ambassador for Austria
kontaktatbaumgesundheit [dot] at

I work as a tree expert, protecting trees through reducing people's fear of liability claims or by giving them comprehensive advice on how to protect trees during construction projects. I also work as a speaker and raise awareness in the areas of sustainability, nature and climate protection.

Thematic areas
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • green skills
  • Austria
Andrea Speranza
  • Pact Ambassador for Italy
andreaatzeronetto [dot] it
Social media links

I am a social innovator, passionate about complex social dynamics, circular economy, community building, design and systemic thinking.

I am a multitasker, who has experienced extraordinary adventures throughout an international life in three different continents and in more than a dozen countries. I have worked in multinational companies as Managing Director and a CEO of  digital enterprise in Asia, although I remain a strong believer of grassroots revolutions.

After coming back to my hometown in Italy, I have had the opportunity to raise awareness about sustainability among a number of underprivileged communities and to improve people’s conscience regarding the climate challenges and how to tackle them with our daily choices in respect tow ourselves and nature as whole.

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • Italy
Silvio Spiri
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Italy
Social media links

I am a secondary school teacher and president of the "San Martino Cultural Center - Puglia Region", a cultural association in Taviano (Lecce). For the Climate Pact I will try to raise awareness among students, teachers and citizens by organizing activities, project for education on the sustainable development goals in Europe. I am planning to carry out european projects in order to promote climate and environmental issues, circular economy and inclusion of vulnerable people.

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • green skills
  • oceans and other water-related
  • Italy
Carlo Spista
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Italy
Social media links

Oltre trent'anni da professionista della Meteorologia: (Previsore Meteo per Servizio Meteorologico A.M.  Qualifica di Meteorologist WMO). Diploma di Capitano di Lungo Corso; Laurea triennale in Scienze Organizzative e Gestionali e Laurea Magistrale in Scienze Politiche Relazioni Internazionali con Tesi sul Cambiamento Climatico e Relazioni Internazionali voto 108/110. Da anni impegnato nella divulgazione  Meteo/Climatica e relative pubbliche relazioni locali, nazionali ed internazionali.

More than 30 years as a Meteorology professional: (Weather forecaster for A.M. Meteorological Service. WMO Meteorologist qualification). Diploma of Captain of Long Course; Bachelor's Degree in Organizational and Management Sciences and Master's Degree in Political Science International Relations with a thesis on Climate Change and International Relations vote 108/110. For years he has been involved in the dissemination of weather/climate and related public relations at local, national and international level.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • oceans and other water-related
  • Italy
Dorota Stachurska
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Poland
dorota [dot] stachurska05atgmail [dot] com
Social media links

Passionate Ambassador aiming to raise climate awareness across the globe and form a stronger bridge between regular civilians and governments. Motivated by observing changes in our day to day life caused by climate change and the effect it has on nature and us as a part of it. Hoping to show people that their opinions on this topic matter and we should work as a team, not against each other. Inspired to act, acting to inspire.

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • green buildings, renovation wave
  • oceans and other water-related
  • sustainable food
  • sustainable transport
  • Poland
Katarzyna Stalmach
  • Pact Ambassador for Poland
katarzyna [dot] stalmach7atgmail [dot] com

➢ Volunteer at the Hospice Association ,,Let's be together" in Wiśniowa - for 10 years

➢ Lifeguard at the Malta Medical Service Association - for 4 years

➢ Councilor of the Children and Youth Council of the Republic of Poland of the 6th term

➢ Councilor of the Youth Justice Council of the 2nd and 3rd term

➢ Member of the National Working Group for EU Youth Dialogue

➢ Member of the Students' Parliament of the Republic of Poland - Commission for didactics and quality of education, Member Baltic Sea Youth Advocacy Working Group

➢ Member of the Youth Forum of the Baltic Sea Region

➢ Polish delegate at the European Union Youth Conference in Prague on July 11-13, 2022.

➢ Polish delegate during the Youth Parliamentary Forum of the Council of the Baltic States on June 11-12, 2022 in Stockholm

As an ambassador of the Climate Pact, I will focus primarily on educational and promotional activities.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green skills
  • oceans and other water-related
  • sustainable food
  • Poland
Anastasis Stamatis
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Greece
anastasis [dot] stamatisatgmail [dot] com
Social media links

As a an Ambassador, I will be speaking and acting on Climate Change. I will continue speaking to schools, students, and youth about the Climate Reality we are facing today, raising awareness and inspiring action. I will work to understand how different people view climate change and how we can all work together to tackle it. On 21 November 2021, we hosted reforestation events all over the country in a single day, on the largest reforestation that has ever taken place in Greece.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • no specific thematic focus
  • oceans and other water-related
  • Greece
Yiannis Stamatonikolos
  • Pact Ambassador for Greece
yiannis [dot] stamatonikolosatsdsnyouth [dot] org
Social media links

I am a passionate and dedicated climate advocate and leader, who has been involved in various activities and projects related to climate change and sustainability over the past three years. As a European Climate Pact Ambassador, I commit to take concrete actions to promote sustainability and raise awareness about the impacts and solutions of climate change. In the next year, I plan to write articles or give presentations on various topics related to my activities for climate action and sustainability, create knowledge material that will help educators and students to learn about climate change and sustainability in an interactive and engaging way, organise or attend events that have visible links with the Climate Pact, and deliver other activities that are in line with the objectives of the Pact. I hope to inspire and empower other people, especially young people, to join me in this journey and to make a positive difference for the planet and the future generations.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • green skills
  • just transition
  • zero pollution
  • Greece
Zaneta Stasiskiene
  • Pact Ambassadsor for Lithuania
zaneta [dot] stasiskieneatktu [dot] lt
Social media links

My role will be crucial in promoting climate action and sustainability at the local and regional levels, and I will undertake various activities to inspire and engage individuals, communities, and organisations in the fight against climate change. Activities will include:

o Organising awareness campaigns and workshops to educate people about the impacts of climate change and the importance of sustainability

o Lobbying policymakers to implement climate-friendly policies

o Collaborating with environmental organisations and community groups on climate action initiatives

o Working with educational institutions to integrate climate and sustainability topics into their curricula and organise environmental awareness activities for students

o Encouraging businesses and industries to adopt sustainable practices, reduce emissions, and implement eco-friendly technologies

o Advocating for the principles of a circular economy, including reducing waste, reusing materials, and recycling

o Speaking at climate-related conferences.

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • zero pollution
  • Lithuania
Anna Staszewska
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Poland
annastaszewskaatinteria [dot] pl
Social media links

As an Ambassador of the Climate Pact primarily I will focus on education about climate change and how to act to restore the balance in nature.

I will continue speaking to schools, students, and youth about the Climate Reality and how we can act together for better climate.

I will also educate about all the 17 Sustainable Development Goals for 2017- 2030.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • sustainable food
  • sustainable transport
  • Poland
Denisa  Stavinohová
  • Pact Ambassador for Czech Republic
denisa [dot] stavinohovaatseznam [dot] cz
Social media links

My name is Denisa Stavinohová and I am interested in sustainable fashion and upcycling. Three years ago, I started learning to sew, and thanks to this skill, I understood the work involved in making clothes. I became interested in who and how clothes in fast fashion brands are produced. I became interested in the effects of fast fashion on our health and the planet. On my Instagram profile @upcy_mood, I started sharing information related to the effects of the fast fashion model. I motivate people here to value and care for their clothes and I intend to continue my work in this way. I would also like to organise swaps in the kindergarten where I work or in my city. And that is because I think it's important to extend the life cycle of clothes.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green skills
  • other
  • Czechia (Czech Republic)
Alexandros Stefanakis
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Greece
astefanakisattuc [dot] gr
Social media links

My plan is to reach out to local and national networks, expand my current contacts in the Mediterranean region and deliver awareness and motivation speeches and training, organize events and conferences, publish articles in relevant magazines and online portals. As I am already active in such tasks, I will have the chance to further promote the Climate Pact goals. As my University is also part of a European University, this will also be exploited.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • oceans and other water-related
  • sustainable food
  • Greece
Ambassador Enno W. Steffens
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Germany
Social media links

Enno W. Steffens is a management-consultant, trainer and speaker on sustainability and communication.

His guiding principle: Planet, People, Profit.

With Enno’s support, companies and organizations not only achieve the crucial transition to renewables, they also secure their long-term viability and help safeguard everyone’s existence on a sustainable planet.

Today he is a passionate SDG advocate and an official Climate Reality Leader.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • green skills
  • oceans and other water-related
  • Germany
Jan Steinhauser
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Austria

As sustainability researcher, I am at the forefront of what we know – and don’t know – about the climate and biodiversity crisis and want to communicate this in ways that enable educated decisions and effective action. We need to help people see the steps they can take towards a greener future.

One important, but often contentious issue is food. That’s why, as Climate Pact Ambassador, I’m focusing on presenting and discussing sustainable – and delicious – transformation pathways on our plates.

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • sustainable food
  • Austria
Maria Stenström
  • Pact Ambassador for Sweden
maria [dot] stenstromat2030sekretariatet [dot] se
Social media links

My work is currently focused on influencing policy and current politics, connecting sectors, nudging behavior and conducting research with the goal that Sweden’s transport sector reaches its climate goal by 2030. More precisely: lower its carbon emissions by 70% by 2030 compared to 2010. As an ambassador, through my work and in collaboration with the Swedish transport sector throughout the year I will create opportunities for solutions-sharing, connect actors and politicians to influence politics and form policy, raise awareness of the positive side effects of being a frontrunner and make the public as well as our politicians aware of the positive achievements we need to scale up, as well as the obstacles we need to eliminate.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • sustainable transport
  • Sweden
Ambassador Simon Sterck
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Belgium
simon [dot] lj [dot] sterckatgmail [dot] com
Social media links

As a law student and young climate activist, I am fighting for more climate justice in this world.

I try to do this at both the local level, on the board of Leuven 2030, and at the international level, as one of the Belgian United Nations youth representatives on Sustainable Development. I advocate among others for less fossil fuels and more climate education. Together with other engaged citizens, I organise climate strikes and cultural climate projects to raise awareness. Panel discussions and lectures also help to achieve this goal.

When we work together we can make the unthinkable possible. Climate justice, now!

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • green skills
  • sustainable food
  • Belgium