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European Climate Pact
European Climate Pact Ambassador in Germany

Arian Feigl-Berger

Arian Feigl-Berger
Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • sustainable food
  • Germany



Although I normally live in Halle (Germany), where I am still engaged in local climate action movements, I am currently living in Madrid, undertaking an internship in the environmental sector of the trade union UGT. In that context we are building bridges between the union and environmentalists, as to resolve the false and dangerous contradiction between labour and the environment and fight together for a real just and green transition. Therefore we will soon be publishing a report on green clauses in collective agreements. I am also supporting the movement "No a la Tala", that fights the unnecessarily planned cutting of 500-1000 trees in Madrid under the excuse of the construction of a new metro line. We argue that the metro line could easily be built without chopping down trees.