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European Climate Pact

Quick-start tools for citizen engagement

Are you interested in leading a climate action group activity?  Here are four ideas of activities that you can easily run in your community with minimal preparation.

Lead a guided tour through your neighbourhood to showcase sustainable practices on the ground and citizen or community initiatives supporting the green transition, to inspire others to take action.
Woman taking a photo with her phone
Facilitate a workshop where participants use photography to capture and reflect on climate issues and solutions. Share the output of the workshop publicly to influence decision-making and to drive change.
Facilitate a discussion on how the transition to climate neutrality can work in practice in our everyday lives and what policies should be put in place to encourage us going forward. Topics suggested include mobility, energy, food and consumption.
Mobilise a group of people to run an activity or work towards a shared goal, such as creating a communal garden, a repair cafe or a local energy community.

Register your activity

Feel free to lead one or several of the suggested activities – we look forward to hearing about your plans and results! 

Register your activity

Share your results

Share your experience to support learning and replication across Europe while gaining opportunities for visibility and recognition at local, national and European levels via the European Climate Pact. 

Share the results of your activity

The quick-start tools can also be implemented sequentially as part of a programme of activities, for example hosting one activity per week in a month dedicated to climate action, to keep the participants engaged and help them to advance in their climate journey. 

Visit the European Climate Pact’s resources for additional tools.

Do you have experience with other successful approaches for community or citizen engagement in climate action? We want to hear about it too! To share your ideas for action with the European Climate Pact secretariat, get more information or support, contact us at engagementateuclimatepact [dot] eu (engagement[at]euclimatepact[dot]eu).

Females volunteering in an outdoor setting

Host a group activity and be part of an EU-level citizen movement