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SaveClimate.Earth’ climate currency ‘ECO’ as ecological basic income

SaveClimate.Earth proposes their CO2-currency ‘ECO’ as ecological basic income – a fair and social alternative to CO2 taxes.


Publication date
18 August 2022
SaveClimate.Earth e.V.
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  • Pact community (member)
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  • Finance and regional development


Imagine you get the sum of all CO2 emissions of a product displayed directly. Imagine that there is a separate emissions price tag for this purpose and that you pay this price in the CO2 currency ‘ECO’. Imagine that everyone on Earth receives this currency in the same amount as an ecological basic income and that you can trade this quota.

The ‘ECO’ model has been developed by SaveClimate.Earth, whose one of the founders is German Climate Pact Ambassador Angela Hanson. Their model constitutes an innovative approach how to derive a personal, rationed CO2 budget and exemplifies how this can be used as a socially fair alternative to CO2 taxes. Browse their materials and see how you can get involved to promote this model with policymakers.

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SaveClimate.Earth’ climate currency ‘ECO’ as ecological basic income


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