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European Climate Pact
General publications

Le Pacte Vert pour l’Europe 2023

Resources produced for purposes of August exhibition 2023 by the Centre EUROPE DIRECT Pyrénées


Publication date
14 November 2023
Europe Direct Pyrénées
I am a(n)
  • Citizen
  • Educator
  • Young person
I want to know how to
  • Find out more about climate change and policy
I am interested in
  • Adaptation to climate change
  • Agriculture
  • Circular economy
  • Energy
  • Transport
  • Urban planning


Comprising 8 x 70 x 180 panels on x-banners, this exhibition represents the objectives of the Green Pact for Europe and the 7 areas of activity.

Le Pacte Vert pour l’Europe 2023


14 NOVEMBER 2023
Le Pacte Vert pour l’Europe 2023