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European Climate Pact

EU and global progress towards the goals of the Paris Agreement

COP28 completes the first Global Stocktake (GST) on the pathway to achieving the Paris Agreement’s goals. As a contribution, the European Commission invited Climate Pact Ambassadors to answer a survey, the results are summarised in this report.


Publication date
23 November 2023
Directorate-General for Climate Action
I am a(n)
  • Citizen
  • Organisation (local and national authorities)
  • Pact community (member)
I want to know how to
  • Find out more about climate change and policy
I am interested in
  • Adaptation to climate change
  • Climate science
  • Environment
  • Just transition


The UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai (COP28) in December this year will complete the first Global Stocktake (GST) under the Paris Agreement and seek to set a credible pathway to achieving the Paris Agreement’s goals.

As a contribution to this effort, the European Commission held a high-level European Climate Stocktake event in Brussels on 27 October 2023. Climate Pact Ambassadors were invited to answer a series of questions (survey) as part of the European Commission contribution to the Global Climate Stocktake.

For climate action to accelerate enough so that respective policies achieve their goals of transformation to a net-zero world, ‘all-of-society’ approach is necessary and hence it is crucial that citizens ‘have a say’ – and in a way that is as direct as possible. This Pact Ambassador’s’ process is an attempt at providing such a more direct channel, where people already active on climate on the ground can also feed into a policy process. Almost 100 Ambassadors from 19 EU Member States took part. Herewith is a more detailed account of their findings.

EU and global progress towards the goals of the Paris Agreement report


23 NOVEMBER 2023
Climate Pact - Ambassadors survey Dubai
23 NOVEMBER 2023
Climate Pact Ambassadors Presentation