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European Climate Pact
Pact Ambassadsor for Lithuania

Gerda Šeirė

Gerda Šeirė
Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • Lithuania



Yes, I did! I counted elm leaves! I performed the performative manifesto "The body of the elm" claiming that Kamariškių elm is a significant entity in creating the identity of the restored manor. The coding of the meaning field is proportional to the density of the imagination. I raise a question about whether 80% of our activities are more significant than this counting of leaves.

After a close look at 13,948 pages, these theses became clearer. I counted four days of 3 hours. The crown of the peak remained unreached, according to a preliminary estimate, another 4-5 thousand. I invite you to visual reflection/imagination density training. I thank Kamariškės dvaras and Antalieptė Innovatoriu slėnis / Innovator's Valley teams and Kamariškės night / presentation for the results of the first plein air to colleagues for the creative space time during the plein air.