- Publication date
- 6 September 2022
- Author
- I am a(n)
- Citizen
- Organisation (local and national authorities)
- Pact community (member)
- I want to know how to
- Take climate action in my everyday life
- I am interested in
- Energy
- Just transition
WWF published a paper to discuss what is just energy transformation and why it is needed. Energy transition is one of the main contributors to climate action, with the necessity to transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy.
The paper explores potential transitions within the energy sector while keeping in mind that energy transitions cannot be separated from social justice. Energy transitions should prevent new inequalities and injustices, as well as avoid exacerbating the existing ones by taking into account sustainable development goals on top of climate targets. Energy transitions must be designed and implemented in the context of a broader societal transformation to a fairer, and sustainable, climate neutral future where nature and people can live in harmony and in which the rights and needs of future generations are protected.
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