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European Climate Pact
Pact Ambassador for France

Delphine Viard

Delphine Viard
Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green buildings, renovation wave
  • just transition
  • France



As a board of director's member in French and international national sports organisations, I have developed high-level skills in sports governance. Sensitive to the issues of climate changes, I have adopted a responsible behavior in favour of the climate and sustainable development very early on.

My role as a board of director member has allowed me to gradually changes mentalities and behaviors within my organisation. The way is still long.

To be part of the group of European ambassadors for the climate will allow me to enhance my knowledge in this area and to exchange on good practices developed in the other European countries in order to improve my organisation's commitment to the climate. Being an ambassador will also allow me to have a greater impact in the communication and training activities we will carry out focusing on the least sensitive people.