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European Climate Pact
Pact Ambassador for Portugal

Cecília Delgado

Cecília Delgado
Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green skills
  • just transition
  • other
  • sustainable food
  • Portugal



I am an urban planner, activist, and researcher in Public Policies, connecting Territorial Planning, Urban Food Systems, and Local Development, researcher at the FCSH -  Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and affiliated to CICS.NOVA.

I co-founded the national network Feeding Sustainable Cities (2018), a knowledge dissemination network that brings together more than 550 members of the Portuguese food system. In 2022 a core group of the network founded ACSA–Alimentar Cidades Sustentáveis Associação, a national non-profit organisation which I am honoured to be the leader of.

As a European Climate Pact Ambassador, I want to raise urban planners’ awareness of the need to integrate better food and agriculture related measures into Climate Strategies and Plans. As part of the awareness campaign, I will hold workshops in the school of architecture and planning and develop two publications to be available online both in Portuguese and English: Manual for food planners; Guidelines for Food Campaigners Champions.