- Thematic areas
- circular economy / sustainable consumption
- climate education & awareness raising
- energy
- green areas: flora, biodiversity
- green buildings, renovation wave
- green skills
- just transition
- oceans and other water-related
- sustainable transport
- Country
- Spain
I would like to talk and inform about climate change during regular interactions and activities, especially with those who are not already involved in climate action. I plan to generate alliances to share knowledge, offer data, experience and stories on different topics by organising events and through media campaigns and social networks with new forms and channels to raise awareness. I will advocate at national, regional and local levels to persuade public authorities, organisations and businesses to commit to ambitious climate actions and commitments. I will get involved (even more so) with local communities, especially vulnerable groups, exchanging information with other activists, environmental volunteering, and organising activities related to climate and environmental action will also be actions that you will have to take. I would like to give useful and practical examples for anyone who wants to continue in climate action and environmental protection, acting as a bridge to the European Commission.