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European Climate Pact


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Notizie (60)

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From vision to action: Climate Pact celebrates local climate efforts
  • News article

We are dealing with man-made climate change,” announced Jan Dusík, the European Commission’s Deputy Director-General for Climate Action, as he opened the Climate Pact’s citizen-led climate action event on 8 October in Brussels.

  • 4 min di lettura
Celebrate climate action: 2024 photo competition
  • News article

The European Climate Pact invited everyone across the EU to submit a photo and caption of the climate action they are taking at home, in their communities and cities.

  • 1 min di lettura
6 climate books to add to your summer reading list
  • News article

Summer is finally here and it’s the perfect time to turn the pages of some thought-provoking reads while spending time by the pool or at the beach. Here are six climate books written and recommended by our Climate Pact Ambassadors.

  • 7 min di lettura