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European Climate Pact
Pact Ambassador for Italy

Andrea Speranza

Andrea Speranza
Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • Italy



I am a social innovator, passionate about complex social dynamics, circular economy, community building, design and systemic thinking.

I am a multitasker, who has experienced extraordinary adventures throughout an international life in three different continents and in more than a dozen countries. I have worked in multinational companies as Managing Director and a CEO of  digital enterprise in Asia, although I remain a strong believer of grassroots revolutions.

After coming back to my hometown in Italy, I have had the opportunity to raise awareness about sustainability among a number of underprivileged communities and to improve people’s conscience regarding the climate challenges and how to tackle them with our daily choices in respect tow ourselves and nature as whole.