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European Climate Pact
Pact Ambassador for Netherlands

Veronique Swinkels

Veronique Swinkels
Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • Netherlands



"Long-term and future thinking starts with inviting the perspectives of absent stakeholders, non-humans and future-generations to the conversation and including their interests in the decisions we take."

As an Ambassador of the EU Climate Pact I will bring knowledge and information on the progress of the Climate Pact to an increasing movement of Employee Climate Activists who seek to influence the conversation in their companies and want to know what they can demand from the companies they work for. The Undercover Activist is a learning Hub I co-founded with Tessa Wernink and we intend to train more and more employees in Positive Workplace Activism. Also we are bringing together organisations that have the same aims and objectives around employee activism. Up-to-date information on the EU Climate policies and laws helps us to empower employee activists in their internal demands, improve their projects and to stand next to them because they want to be part of the solution and not of the problem.