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European Climate Pact
Pact Ambassador for Slovenia

Tina Hozjan Žižek

Tina Hozjan Žižek
Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • green buildings, renovation wave
  • green skills
  • oceans and other water-related
  • sustainable food
  • Slovenia



I am 31 years old and I come from Prekmurje. As a child, I had cancer, leukemia. I am married, I am an activist, I have my own small business.

In elementary school I participated in the Eco-School programme, in secondary school I participated in the Eco-Parliament, in 2010 I was also the national champion in the Eco-Quiz. Nature, nature conservation and climate change have been with me all my life. I attended the Faculty of Economics and Business in Maribor. I am currently enrolled in a higher education program in Sustainable Development.

I also succeeded, as the only member of the Vesna Party - the Green Party, to become a municipal councillor of the Pomurje Region, that is the municipality of Turnišče.