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European Climate Pact
Pact Ambassador for Hungary

Tanvi Mishra

Tanvi Mishra
Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • Hungary



I am an aspiring environmental economist. As ambassador, I believe that prepared young people are the key to success for a more sustainable future, where we can equitably manage our resources. In this vein, I am the co-founder of Youth in Fashion for Climate Action, (YFCA), an organisation that aims to make textiles and fashion related policies understandable to younger people, and to encourage their participation in sustainable enterprises. The fashion industry is mutable to consumer behaviour, and young people, as stylish tastemakers, can be proponents of an overhaul of the current polluting system, and advocate for a decarbonised, clean fashion industry. One choice at a time, multiplied by many people, makes a lasting impact.