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European Climate Pact
Pact Ambassador for Austria

Susanne Ramharter

Susanne Ramharter
Thematic areas
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • other
  • sustainable food
  • Austria



I am an EU-Councilor in Ferlach, Austria and head our local Green Party. After many years as manager in various corporations, I am now retired and able to spend my time and focus on topics and issues I find truly important. I view the climate crisis as the number one issue threatening our planet and humanity, and am frustrated by the lack of knowledge (and apathy) of the inhabitants in our community and region.

Therefore, I look forward to learning how others in Europe are dealing with similar issues, what the EU is doing in the general area of Climate Change and how to more effectively communicate with my neighbours in the community.

My contributions will be through writing posts on social media, writing articles for our local quarterly community paper, continuing my work on our community organised "Klimaschutz findet Stadt" project and attending events both in our community and our region.