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European Climate Pact
Pact Ambassador for Bulgaria

Stiliana Todorova

Stiliana Todorova
Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • other
  • Bulgaria



I am co-founder of Safe Playgroinds Association. My aim is to help provide a better environment for play and sport. I additionally with to promote outdoor learning, active citizenship and to motivate human connections with the nature. I am planning to participate in family events and to show how to turn waste into value through games and interactive activities. I believe that environmental education should start from a very early age and it is our own responsibility to educate conscious and active people. I am taking part in many schools projects, raising students awareness about recycling, climate protection and biodiversity.

Together with my colleagues from the Association we will organise a few of our own events/ initiatives to clean the area around us, grow plants and involve people in sports activities, placemaking. I will use my own and the Association's media channels to spread focused information related to climate change and environmental protection.