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European Climate Pact

Solutions guide for Scotland - 1000+ Profitable Solutions to Protect the Environment

Solutions guide for Scotland gathers 200 solutions to reduce Scotland’s environmental footprint and inspire other countries to achieve their sustainability objectives.


Publication date
11 July 2022
Solar Impulse Foundation
I am a(n)
  • Citizen
  • Organisation (local and national authorities)
  • Pact community (member)
I want to know how to
  • Take climate action in my everyday life
I am interested in
  • Climate science
  • Research and innovation


The report identifies a selection of technological solutions to help the government, businesses, and citizens to reach their environmental targets in alignment with their economic and social objectives, as a way to improve citizens quality of life. It brings 200 solutions that can be implemented today and have been specifically selected to reduce Scotland’s environmental footprint and grow the economy that could be an inspiration for other countries/contexts. The solutions put forward in the guide are intended to demonstrate how much cleaner and efficient our society can be with the right technologies, services and products, and helps to indicate what is technically and financially possible if solutions such as these were to be deployed.

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Solutions guide for Scotland - 1000+ Profitable Solutions to Protect the Environment


11 JULY 2022
Solutions guide for Scotland