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European Climate Pact
Tool guidance

Toolkit for the development of materials and activities for children aged 5-18

The aim of this Toolkit is to support outreach to 5-18 year-olds by tailoring materials for this target audience, depending on their EU information, presentation and learning needs.


Publication date
25 June 2021
Directorate-General for Communication
I am a(n)
  • Educator
I want to know how to
  • Find out more about climate change and policy
I am interested in
  • Climate science
  • Youth engagement


The Toolkit provides guidance regarding the information needs, preferred communication channels and types of materials of different segments of children aged 5-18. It outlines key characteristics and needs of the main segments of 5-18 year-olds, including:

  • Demographic data impacting the differences in learning about the EU in the Member States, particular the needs of children from migration backgrounds.
  • Socio-economic factors e.g., rural versus urban environments, young people not in education, children at risk of social exclusion or poverty.
  • Interests and specific needs of children with various physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory impairments and/or difficulties.

The document is composed of two parts:

  • The main steps of an outreach strategy to guide author services through the recommended steps on the design, development and distribution of their materials for 5-18 year olds; and
  • The Toolkit for the development of materials and activities for children aged 5-18 with practical information on how to reach and engage with different segments of children.
Toolkit for the development of materials and activities for children aged 5-18


20 NOVEMBER 2023
Toolkit for the development of materials and activities for children aged 5-18