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European Climate Pact
General publications

Green Deal Going Local Handbook

The European Green Deal will be won or lost in EU cities and regions, as local and regional authorities are responsible for its implementation.


Publication date
8 December 2022
European Committee of the Regions
I am a(n)
  • Organisation (local and national authorities)
  • Pact community (member)
I want to know how to
  • Take climate action in my everyday life
I am interested in
  • Climate science


The European Green Deal will be won or lost in EU cities and regions, as local and regional authorities are responsible for its implementation.

In order to equip local and regional authorities with the right measures to deal with the hazards of climate change, the Committee of the Regions has published a Handbook in all EU languages, that provides targeted guidance on financial aid and technical assistance in the field of adaptation.

As there is no 'one-size-fits all recipe' for a local and regional implementation of the Green Deal, this Handbook provides a step-by-step guidance and is adapted to each EU country and local context (from urban to rural, mountain and coastal areas, among others).

In a creative and interactive way, it provides information on targeted financial and technical instruments based on geographical and institutional assets and vulnerabilities. It also provides best practices that illustrate how the adaptation objectives of the EU Green Deal can be implemented by local and regional policymakers.

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Green Deal Going Local Handbook


European Committee of the Regions