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European Climate Pact
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The Climate game – Can you reach net zero?

Try to cut carbon emissions by taking the right decisions in this simulation game by The Financial Times and reach net zero!


Publication date
19 August 2022
Financial Times
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  • Climate science


Reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 to keep the planet from further global warming seems a formidable task on an individual level. But what if you had the omnipotence to make all the necessary decisions? Step forward the global minister for future generations, an international take on a genuine role in Wales and the protagonist in the Financial Times’ Climate Game.

The main goal is clear: cut energy-related carbon dioxide emissions from 36bn tonnes a year at present to net zero by 2050. Additional aims are to significantly reduce other greenhouse gases, led by methane, and to protect people, nature and jobs, all while ensuring the planet remains habitable.

This game was created by the Financial Times. It is based on real science and reporting — however, it is a game, not a perfect simulation of the future. The emissions modelling was developed in 2022 by the International Energy Agency (IEA). The scenarios used in the IEA’s “Net Zero by 2050” report were recalculated to track the temperature outcomes for specific pathways used in the game. These climate outcomes were calculated using the IEA’s World Energy Model (WEM) and Energy Technology Perspectives (ETP) model coupled with the MAGICC v7+ climate model.

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The Climate game – Can you reach net zero?


The Climate Game - Can you reach net zero by 2050?