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European Climate Pact
General publications

Citizen guide for your sustainable living environment

Find multiple guides and best practices on how citizens and local initiatives can make their direct local environment and landscapes more sustainable.


Publication date
26 August 2022
IVN Natuur Educatie | Natuur & Milieu | Natuurmonumenten | Landschappen NL | Milieudefensie | Vogelbescherming Nederland | Soorten NL | IPC Groene Ruimte | De natuur en milieufederaties
I am a(n)
  • Citizen
  • Organisation (local and national authorities)
I want to know how to
  • Engage with my community on climate
  • Find out more about climate change and policy
  • Take climate action in my everyday life
I am interested in
  • Climate science
  • Environment


This Dutch website was created by a cooperation of various nature and environmental organizations who share the same goal: to help their local members, donors and supporters to make their direct surroundings or region more friendly for climate, nature and environment.

The Dutch national government is creating a new law “Omgevingswet”, which changes the way municipalities deal with the development of their physical environment. This website and community empower citizens to familiarize themselves with this law and how they can use it to make their surroundings more sustainable.

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Citizen guide for your sustainable living environment


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