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European Climate Pact
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Let’s boost prosumerism! Models and state of play

Prosumerism can help meet Europe’s decarbonisation objectives and contain energy prices, but how does one become a prosumer?


Publication date
7 December 2022
European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
I am a(n)
  • Citizen
  • Educator
  • Organisation (local and national authorities)
  • Pact community (member)
  • Young person
I want to know how to
  • Take climate action in my everyday life
I am interested in
  • Energy
  • Just transition


Prosumerism can help meet Europe’s decarbonisation objectives and contain energy prices, but how does one become a prosumer? What are the existing models? How much potential do these different models have?

Prosumerism is a promising strategy to stimulate the renewable, decentralised, carbon-free energy needed to meet Europe's climate neutrality goals. The European Union allows consumers to sell, store and consume the electricity they produce either individually or collectively. While there is a wide range of prosumer models, the most popular is the collective self-consumption model through citizens and renewable energy communities. They have demonstrated a wide range of positive impact for both people and the planet as they can address energy poverty and create social cohesion within communities.

You can find the full article here.

Let’s boost prosumerism! Models and state of play


Let’s boost prosumerism! Models and state of play