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European Climate Pact
Tool guidance

Energy Shift

Interested in solar energy? Here is the online platform created by Climate Pact Ambassador Filip Koprčina that enables citizens to co-own solar platforms and actively engage in the green energy transition.


Publication date
19 August 2022
Energy Shift
I am a(n)
  • Citizen
  • Pact community (member)
I want to know how to
  • Engage with my community on climate
  • Find out more about climate change and policy
I am interested in
  • Climate science
  • Energy


Climate Pact Ambassador Filip Koprčina started Energy Shift, a web based, blockchain powered platform that enables citizens to jointly invest in and co-own solar farms, thus democratising the energy sector and enabling citizens to actively participate in the energy transition to renewable energy.

The idea behind Energy Shift is that everyone can co-fund the energy transition by buying a share/part of a solar farm. The generated electricity will feed into the grid, and the investors (citizens) are credited for the shares they contribute. The solar panels will be leased to schools, hospitals and businesses that are currently using fossil fuels to power themselves.

Filip Koprčina, originally from Croatia, is currently based in Cyprus volunteering through European Solidarity Corps with a goal to raise awareness on Sustainable Development Goals in Cyprus. He was a Technical Working Group member in the United Nations High Level Dialogue on Energy, providing recommendations on how the World can achieve the SDG7 Targets that we set for ourselves. He also won the EU Sustainable Energy Award in the Young Trailblazer category, where he was supported by the European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT Digital Venture program) and the EIT Jumpstarter program (funded by the EU).

Energy Shift


Energy Shift