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European Climate Pact
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DOPPELPLUS Campaign: Climate protection even on the tightest budget

One of the finalists of LIFE awards 2022, the project DoppelPlus is a climate action campaign for low-income households in the Tyrol region in Austria.


Publication date
6 December 2022
Klimabündnis Tirol | komm!unity Wörgl | Caritas Tirol | alpS GmbH | Energie Tirol
I am a(n)
  • Citizen
  • Organisation (local and national authorities)
I want to know how to
  • Take climate action in my everyday life
I am interested in
  • Climate science


One of the finalists of LIFE awards 2022, the project DoppelPlus is a climate action campaign for low-income households in the Tyrol region in Austria. The project aims to help low-income and vulnerable houses at raising their living standards and reducing their energy bills.

By taking advantage of personalised coaching, individuals in low-income households receive valuable tips on mitigating climate change and a free energy efficiency and climate change mitigation starter package. In addition, there are other customised measures such as ‘train-the-trainer programmes,’ information campaigns and the teaching of environment basics in German language courses for beginners.

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DOPPELPLUS Campaign: Climate protection even on the tightest budget

