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European Climate Pact
Pact Ambassador for Belgium

Ramses Alejandro Grande Fraile

Ramses Alejandro Grande Fraile
Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • green buildings, renovation wave
  • just transition
  • oceans and other water-related
  • zero pollution
  • Belgium



I am a European citizen living in Brussels and rooted in the Canary Islands. Having worked on citizen participation and urban and regional policy for several years, I believe in the power of citizens to take action to improve their climate and environment to achieve more sustainable and healthier cities and territories for humans and nature.

As a Climate Pact Ambassador, I would like to share the power of design thinking, of a territorial perspective, and participatory democracy with fellow citizens to achieve the European Green Deal and the Sustainable Development Goals.