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European Climate Pact
non-profit organisationNetwork of European Museum Organisations

Network of European Museum Organisations



All EU Member States; Germany


Activites of membership organisations; Arts, entertainment and recreation

Sustainability Mission

The climate crisis is the defining challenge faced by humanity. Culture can be a catalyst and a resource for understanding and action, and NEMO is dedicated to supporting and advocating the potential of the European museum sector to address the climate crisis. The only way forward is together, and networks bring us together. NEMO is part of the Museums for Future initiative, launched at its European Museums Conference in 2019, which supports museums and museum professionals with low-threshold climate action ideas. NEMO is also a member of the Climate Heritage Network, which mobilises arts, culture & cultural heritage for climate action and includes over 70 other organisations. NEMO took part in the Voices of Culture structured dialogue on cultural heritage and the Sustainable Development Goals. The network collaborates with other similarlyfocused organisations and networks and joins their efforts.

Pathway pledges


NEMO pledges to advocate for collaboration in the European museum sector necessary to address the climate crisis. NEMO wants to make sure that museums are recognised and supported as they contribute to a sustainable future.

Over the next three years, NEMO will:

> Collect information: NEMO will collect best practice examples of how museums in Europe are dealing with climate change and sustainability.

> Provide information: NEMO has maintained and will continue adding to a dedicated webpage on the NEMO website, providing the museum community with relevant information and direction to organisations, studies, webinars and other resources. NEMO will continue multiplying the work of our partners and bringing the topic forward during speaking opportunities.

> Offer capacity building activities: To provide the necessary tools and skills and address museum professionals at different levels, NEMO will dedicate one training and one webinar per project year on a theme relating to climate and culture. This will also be a focus during a NEMO European Museum Conference.

> Widen the network: NEMO will continue its collaboration with the Climate Heritage Network and will expand its role within the Museums for Future initiative. Furthermore, NEMO intends to reach out to organisations with more specific and technical expertise in order to offer more targeted support and resources to the European museum community. To increase the collective knowledge of the network, NEMO will approach museums and museum organisations that are paving the way in the field and offer them trial 1-year memberships at NEMO.

Additionally, in recognition of the ecological footprint that is associated with operating a European cultural network, NEMO is committed to learning and developing sustainable practices specific to the work of cultural networks and will evaluate its standards regarding travel, accommodation, venue, catering, materials, office use and carbon footprint budgeting, as well as awareness-building measures.

Museums are uniquely situated to address climate change within their communities. They offer a space to explore future scenarios, experiment, gain knowledge and discuss both challenges and solutions. There are small and large changes to be made by museums and their networks in order to impact the climate crisis both practically and in discourse. A network incorporates, facilitates and advocates for both levels of change. NEMO is well situated to advocate for the cross-regional, cross-sectoral collaboration necessary to affect the systemic failures contributing to the climate crisis. NEMO wants to make sure that museums are recognised and supported as they contribute to a sustainable future.

Status date: Submitted (30/01/2022)

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