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European Climate Pact
non-profit organisationFondazione Manlio Resta Onlus

Fondazione Manlio Resta Onlus





Education and research

Pathway pledges


Providing economic education with a strong commitment dedicated to environmental themes and making awareness about sustainability in all the events we are organising for a community that shares knowledge, ideas, and best practices.

Being an Economic research information and training entity we are committed to disseminating environmental sustainability and policies such as the European Green Deal and the Circular Economy to our audience at the events we are organising. Attendees of our conferences, seminars and workshops are composed of young researchers also. For example, dedicated to this last category, we are yearly issuing a special prize on environmental sustainability consisting of an economic award for neo-graduates in economics and social sciences.

In our mission there will be the realisation of at least two events per year mainly dedicated to economic development. In every event we will be committed to treat and give an economic view of the following themes:
- decarbonization strategies through business changes and innovations and the subsequent efficiency improvements,
- Green Public Procurement implementation strategy for entities in different economic sectors, and
- renewable energies, pollution reductions and other carbon emission elimination strategies.
In our mission, there will be also the realisation of a yearly prize dedicate environmental sustainability.

There is the need to establish an effort to mobilise the private sector to reach net-zero carbon by 2040. Our commitment is to demonstrate that corporate leaders, decision makers and other anylevel stakeholders can go further and faster on climate action.

Status date: Completed (21/12/2022)

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