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European Climate Pact




Our progress towards decarbonization


GHG Emissions

Our actions – the Pathway

  • Quantify and report all GHG emissions from sources located within the city/region boundary 
  • Have a recent city/region-wide GHG emissions inventory or undertake it within the next two years  
  • Disclose a breakdown of GHG emissions figures (direct and/or indirect) by sector, including Industrial processes and product use (IPPU) and Agriculture, Forestry and other land use (AFOLU)
  • Have a published city/region plan that addresses climate change mitigation
  • Have GHG emissions reduction targets

MRV: Pact MRV in place

Status date: Submitted (01/08/2022)

Data source: CDP-ICLEI Track - Cities 2022



Our actions – the Pathway

  • Measure and report the share of Hydro, Bioenergy, Wind, Geothermal and Solar energy sources in the city electricity mix  

MRV: Pact MRV in place

Status date: Submitted (01/08/2022)

Data source: CDP-ICLEI Track - Cities 2022



Our actions – the Pathway

  • Have a published city/region plan that addresses climate change adaptation
  • Have climate adaptation goals and define respective metrics/KPIs
  • Identify and publicly report on the most significant factors impacting the jurisdiction’s ability to adapt to climate change 
  • Identify and report on the most significant climate hazards affecting the city/region

MRV: Pact MRV in place

Status date: Submitted (01/08/2022)

Data source: CDP-ICLEI Track - Cities 2022



Our actions – the Pathway

  • Have 30% or more of passenger mode share be a combination of: walking, cycling and shared modes of transport (Rail/Metro/Tram/Ferries/River boats and Buses (including Bus Rapid Transit))
  • Implement transport related adaptation and/or mitigation actions

MRV: Pact MRV in place

Status date: Submitted (01/08/2022)

Data source: CDP-ICLEI Track - Cities 2022



Our actions – the Pathway

  • Measure and report  annual solid waste generation in my city/region
  • Implement waste related mitigation actions

MRV: Pact MRV in place

Status date: Submitted (01/08/2022)

Data source: CDP-ICLEI Track - Cities 2022



Our actions – the Pathway

  • Measure and publicly report household water consumption (litres/capita/day)
  • Have 100% of households with access to safely managed drinking water services

MRV: Pact MRV in place

Status date: Submitted (01/08/2022)

Data source: CDP-ICLEI Track - Cities 2022



Our actions – the Pathway

  • Identify the most significant climate hazards affecting health in the city/region
  • Identify which vulnerable populations are affected by climate-related impacts on health

MRV: Pact MRV in place

Status date: Submitted (01/08/2022)

Data source: CDP-ICLEI Track - Cities 2022



Our actions – the Pathway

  • Publicly disclose my city/region's environmental data

MRV: Pact MRV in place

Status date: Submitted (01/08/2022)

Data source: CDP-ICLEI Track - Cities 2022