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European Climate Pact
private sector

Interessensgemeinschaft zur Energiewende






General Information

We find and inform people who are interested in renewable energies. We help them to get CO2 neutral, give best practice examples and support. We connect people with other experts. We bring customers to suppliers for photovoltaics companies, financing companies or other companies working in the energy sector. We establish an renewable energy community and use the high energy prices to accelerate the energy change.

Pathway Pledges


  • Minimum 30 % of all financed cars I am involved with, must have zero emission in 2023
  • 1 mwh financed photovoltaics in 2023 (together with my partners)
  • Successful set up of new financing model for energy storage systems and rollout to costumers before Q2/2023
  • I can reach between 1.800 and a multiple number of people: via our mayor and the energy community project, it is possible to reach the people in town but via the website and successfully completed projects and the communication about them in media the scope is much larger.
  • Publishing my master thesis to society. It is about renewable energy communities and about the pros and cons and the way to set up these communities for everyone’s satisfaction. The focus is on households from legal perspective and according to the practical example. The deadline is latest by 31.03.2024

Status date: Submitted (03/03/2023)

Data source: Self-reported

More information on the pledge

I plan to publish relevant successfully funded projects on the website in the blog section. Further I have the intention to create an additional website for green and photovoltaics investment and consulting related topics. It is needed to create an additional brand and website for green power where I can focus on them and getting distance to the fuel driven vehicles which I cannot fully disregard.