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European Climate Pact
Pact Ambassador for Czech Republic

Petr Daniš

Petr Daniš
Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • Czechia (Czech Republic)



I have been working as an environmental educator for over 20 years. Mostly with students and teachers, fostering environmental programs at schools all over Czechia. In 2020 I led a national working group developing a first set of recommendations for climate change education in our country. Then we established a website aimed at supporting teachers through lesson plans on climate change. But I realised it is not just the young generation who is in need of education. So I wrote and published a book on climate change solutions, because there was no such book in Czech language. The book received very positive feedback and people wrote to me it helped them understand green transition and find their role in it. As a Climate Pact Ambassador I plan to focus on awareness raising of the influential public: business people, media and educators. I want to promote the distribution of the book to more people, talk about climate action at different events and use social media to spread the word.