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European Climate Pact
non-profit organisationVall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology

Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology





Education and research

Pathway pledges


In 2022 we will start the Green VHIO initiative to reduce our impact on the environment and advocate the role of environmental protection in cancer prevention.

'Green VHIO' proposes actions that are going to be carefully reviewed by the VHIO management team (several actions have already been approved such as the scientific seminars, distributing fresh local fruit to our employees, creating materials on good recycling practices and re-using bottles & cups..). VHIO has assigned a coordinator (head of the human resources) to facilitate the Green VHIO actions implementation - especially those involving other departments like VHIO General Services, Lab Coordination or Communications. VHIO communications team will also support the project and Green VHIO can disseminate actions and posts using existing channels (to start with: intranet and VHIO newsletter, in the next months: new institutional website and social media channels).

  • We will organize 4-6 scientific seminars per year with experts from outside of our organization on this topic. We will engage 4-6 external experts and the seminars will be open to VHIO employees (about 200 ppl). If external experts agree to record their talk, we will record the seminar and make it available to general public on the VHIO YouTube channel (
  • We will organize actions at our institution to improve the working environment and introduce green lab practices, following principles of reduce-reuse-recycle.
  • We will encourage our employees to use sustainable transportation and increase eating local, plant based food consumption.
  • We will learn how to establish metrics to track our progress and measure the impact of the Green VHIO project, which we will evaluate by January 2023.

At the moment Green VHIO formation was announced by institutional email. Very soon, there will be a special section regarding the initiative in VHIO newsletter and intranet available to VHIO employees (see link to intranet on the VHIO website:

Moreover, in the next month or two, VHIO will launch a new website, that plans to include a section with information about the Green VHIO project. Green VHIO will share the content on VHIO social media channels (Twitter:, LinkedIn:'hebron-institut-d'oncologia). We will use the hashtag #GreenVHIO

Status date: Submitted (18/01/2022)

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