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European Climate Pact
non-profit organisation






Education and research

General Information

The Sustainability Observatory blog aims to collect works from the observatory itself, articles or news that are especially current and significant for sustainability. In this section we will talk about sustainability, trying to connect the different aspects that make it up, (air quality, water, soil, biodiversity, etc.. with economics, sociology, ecology... ) as well as the main responsible agents, (academia, administration, companies and citizens) using the best available tools such as big data, artificial intelligence, or other tools such as the SDGs, or the Urban Agenda to solve the serious problems we have such as the climate emergency, the loss of biodiversity, sustainable cities , the lack of circular economy or growing inequality.


Sustainability Mission

We have been working at the Sustainability Observatory of Spain since 2005, which later became the Sustainability Observatory

We do annual monitoring of decarbonization of the main companies in the country and in addition to the evolution of temperatures in a continuous way. In addition, we work on issues such as flood risk, defining critical infrastructures and types of housing and vulnerability.


Pathway pledges


Committing our organization to be carbon neutral in its operations through the following actions:

• We commit to switch 100% of the company's fleets to electric vehicles no later than 2030

• Achieve 100% renewable electricity consumption by 2050 at the latest in line with the RE100 criteria

• We commit to use buildings with net carbon emissions with Green Building Center criteria

• We are going to install solar panels in our building to increase the use of renewable energy and insulate the building with SATE criteria and technologies installation of solar panels during 2022 with a power of 4.4 kw home rehabilitation building increasing insulation contracting with a 100% renewable energy company

Status date: Submitted (06/11/2022)

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