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European Climate Pact
  • News article
  • 24 November 2023
  • Directorate-General for Climate Action
  • 3 min read

Climate realities, citizen solutions: Pact Ambassadors at the European Climate Stocktake

Climate realities, citizen solutions: Pact Ambassadors at the European Climate Stocktake

Two Climate Pact Ambassadors, Udo Engelhardt from Germany and Nicoleta Talpes from Romania, took to the stage at the recent European Climate Stocktake event that brought together around 400 people in Brussels, including 50 Pact Ambassadors, with many more following along online.

Udo and Nicoleta did not just speak for themselves, but for almost 100 fellow Pact Ambassadors from across Europe who had sent contributions. Their mission was to convey these messages from the ground to EU policymakers, and the moment was just right, with the EU taking stock of the progress towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and gearing up for the COP28 international climate negotiations in Dubai.

That mission was definitely accomplished as, a few weeks later, the recommendations shared by Udo and Nicoleta were included in an official message from the EU to the UNFCCC – the UN entity dealing with global response to climate change. The EU’s ‘10 points for Dubai’ encompasses the views of Pact Ambassadors and reaffirms the strength of the Climate Pact community.

Pact Ambassadors make their voices heard

‘The event symbolised a shared commitment to address climate change,’ sustainability communicator Nicoleta Talpes said. ‘Being part of it meant contributing to a larger narrative, where insights and recommendations from the Ambassadors could influence decision-making processes.’

Before the conference, Nicoleta and Udo Engelhardt, a marine ecologist, compiled the feedback sent by almost 100 Pact Ambassadors on climate action in the EU, the reality on the ground in their communities, and recommendations on the way forward – it was a chance to ‘really let go and tell the truth as they saw it,’ as Udo described it. The challenge was turning pages and pages of creative answers into one presentation.

Left to right: Katarzyna Balucka-Debska, Udo Engelhardt and Nicoleta Talpes discussing feedback from Ambassadors
Left to right: Katarzyna Balucka-Debska, Udo Engelhardt and Nicoleta Talpes discussing feedback from Ambassadors


‘We all know climate change is escalating. Everyone feels it even if you haven't experienced flash floods or heatwaves. I wasn't on stage to talk about the obvious things you would expect. It wasn’t just political rhetoric, there was actual substance. It was nice to present those sentiments and feelings. It's something that I felt had to happen.’ – Udo Engelhardt.

Nicoleta and Udo pointed out that there are big differences between regions, which is why a more balanced and inclusive approach to climate action in needed in Europe. They stressed the need for greater coordination, investment and focus on nature-friendly policies, as well as to acting on more than just climate change – for example, prioritising disaster prevention and education.

Real people on the ground: the sense of community

Nicoleta Talpes presenting the views of Climate Pact Ambassadors at the European Climate Stocktake
Nicoleta Talpes presenting the views of Climate Pact Ambassadors at the European Climate Stocktake


‘The Ambassadors act as a bridge, fostering a dynamic relationship between citizens and policymakers. This connection is key to creating a robust climate action strategy that resonates with the values and priorities of people in Europe.’ – Nicoleta Talpes.

For both Nicoleta and Udo, it was important to communicate local, real and human perspectives on a topic that impacts everyone – even if not everyone feels concerned.

‘We're still not mainstream – we're still the isolated ones who are fighting for the obvious cause that all of us should understand, but don't.’ – Udo Engelhardt.  

Helping to overcome the perceived isolation of those committed to the climate cause, the Climate Pact creates the sense of being together in the fight. It’s something that is very important to Udo: ‘there are people everywhere who join the Pact for the same reason, because they do want to make a difference. It was a good reminder that you're not just out there by yourself, you're not as isolated as you feel you are. And there are others of similar mindsets and ambition.’

Belonging to the community of shared goals made the presentation a personal moment of pride for Nicoleta: ‘it felt like an active contribution to a cause that transcends individual interests.’ And the input from fellow Ambassadors, Udo says, highlighted their similar passion and commitment: ‘they’re thinking about how they could become more involved, how they could strengthen the link to Brussels, and are coming up with new ideas.’

At the event, Udo and Nicoleta were approached by many people who expressed support. ‘It was tremendous that it touched people in a way they didn't expect,’ Udo said. ‘It wasn’t technical, it wasn’t political. It was just human to human being.’

Following on from Udo and Nicoleta’s presentation, you can read a full report of the feedback from Climate Pact Ambassadors here.

If you missed it, you can catch up on the European Climate Stocktake with the full recording and event report.

To hear Udo talk more about the views and recommendations from Climate Pact Ambassadors, check out the video below.


Publication date
24 November 2023
Directorate-General for Climate Action