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European Climate Pact


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Aktuality (54)

Zobrazený počet výsledků vyhledávání: 20 až 30
Going digital – good or bad for the climate?
  • News article

Whether it’s a conference call with your team at work, posting a selfie on social media or streaming your favourite show, millions of Europeans take part in digital activities every day.

  • Odhadovaná doba čtení: 6 min
Nature – our secret weapon against climate change
  • News article

Is there a wild animal or plant species that you simply can’t imagine the world without? This is the question Italian Climate Pact Ambassador Valeria Barbi is asking us to think about.

  • Odhadovaná doba čtení: 6 min
Eating sustainably – easier than you think?
  • News article

People are increasingly aware that, when it comes to food, what is good for the environment is good for them too. In the current climate crisis, growing and consuming sustainable food is critically important.

  • Odhadovaná doba čtení: 9 min
What do citizens think about fixing the climate crisis?
  • News article

How can we tackle the climate crisis by changing the way we travel, eat and use energy? This question was at the heart of hundreds of Peer Parliament debates recently held across Europe.

  • Odhadovaná doba čtení: 4 min